Monday, July 4, 2016

It's the 4th of July

I want to see fireworks.  Yea!!!

I want to see fireworks.  I want to see fireworks. 

Where are the fireworks?  No

No.  I not know fireworks.  Oh I see the fireworks.  Right there. 
I eat this more strawberries.  Daddy home!!!  I want see fireworks.  I not fireworks. 
Fireworks.  Fireworks.
Hunter.  Etan.  Mom and Dad.  And baby Sam and Aaron.  Enough mom.

Sunday, June 26, 2016


Jesus password.  Alright.  Um...Peter.  Aaron.  Mommy.  Hunter.  There's Daddy.  That was 'nuf. 
Etan.  Dere's Etan.  An Hunter.  Aaron, Aaron Aaron. 

(There was some bathroom talk and how much he liked certain bathroom related items, but that was edited out for decency.)

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Pumpkins: An introduction

Pumpkins is three.  Barely. 

He likes to pour out whatever liquid he can get his hands on all over the playroom carpet.  We're not talking about an isolated incident.  It is often.  And messy.

Olive oil
Pam (a personal favorite)
essential oils
Olive oil
Maple syrup
Dishwashing soap
V8 juice
I don't know what vendetta he has against berber, but it is fierce and unrelenting.

His big sister told him there are monsters in the bathroom and he currently has two knife sharpening sticks taunting the monster to come out because he has to go pee.

This week when I took all of the children to the pool, Pumpkins had to use the bathroom.  He went into the women's restroom, stripped naked and then came parading out of the bathroom making it half way down the length of the pool before I could reach him with the blue bag of clothes.  The lifeguards thought it was hilarious.  At least he's little enough to have gotten away with it.

Pumpkins is a favorite with several family members.  Grandma Diane loves him specially.  He is named after her father, plus he gives her big loves and asks to see her too...So the feeling is mutual.  Pumpkins is also especially loved by Daddy's best friend Shawn.  Shawn is the bishop of our home ward and found a soft spot for Pumpkins when he ran into his arms and snuggled up to him one day. 

At home its a different story.  Pumpkins will haul off and hit people.  Oosa Buba (12 months) and Barron (5).  Barron is rather scared of Pumpkins when he gets in one of his moods.  He will also hit me, and then when I look at him incredulously, he'll hug me and say, "I love you Mommy!"

My first post

What would you like to say?  Is it my turn?

Yes.  What would you like to say?  I want pizza
What did you do this week?  no
Do you know what was special about today?  No mommy.
Is it Father's day?  Ya
Did you go to Grandma's this week?  No
I think you did.  What did you do at grandmas?  No
You're not going to like this blog post.  Is it my turn now?  I need go pee.